How do I cite someone who is not the author of the source?

How do I cite someone who is not the author of the source?

Essay - 09.02.2023 - 0 Comments - by

Include page range of journal article but just use the numbers — don’t use pp. Start the footnote reference with the book title, followed by the editor. Include page number in footnote references only as you are citing a specific section of the book, in the form ‘p.’ for ‘page’ or ‘pp.’ for ‘pages’. When writing an essay or a dissertation for English Literature, Creative Writing and Drama, you will usually need to provide a word count. Note that the allowed word length does not include abstract, footnotes/endnotes, bibliography and any appendices but it does include quotations used in the body of the text. You can find many different types of information on the Internet. Check that the item you are referencing isn’t a journal article, book chapter, or another type of publication which you should be citing in a different way.

  1. Be aware that a licence may place you under an obligation to attribute the use of software in your publication.
  2. References may be given either in the main text of your essay, or in a footnote or endnote.
  3. So that you can come back to your own work and know where you found a particular quotation or piece of information.
  4. For many years I worked on a research project called OGSA-DAI , and I recently came across a paper in which OGSA-DAI forms a key component.
  5. If you can, you should try to locate and verify the details of the source referred to and then reference it as normal.
  6. When this is the case, you can begin the citation on the IEEE reference page with the title of the page, omitting the author element.
  7. If a book has three or more authors, only the first author’s name should be listed in-text followed by ‘et al.’, meaning ‘and others’.

When writing URL’s, try not to have the address continue over two or more lines. Where this is impossible, place the line break at a forward slash. Website citation componentMandatoryExamplesCommentsAuthor of the website/articleYes- Eckhoff, Luis G.

List your references as you go

Take care to use credible sources with good quality information. For a presentation you should include a brief citation under the image.

The rules for in-text citations are the same as for print articles. Most referencing styles even have specific rules for doing how to quote article in essay this, including the Chicago referencing footnote system. As such, here’s our guide to citing websites Chicago style.

Top ten tips to describe the software you used in your research

As mentioned earlier, the link in the P-Genome recommended citation is broken, but pasting the entire citation into a search engine reveals the software’s current page. The examples are presented what an outline looks like in Harvard style and offer general guidelines on good practice. For essays, project reports, dissertations and theses, ask your School or Department which style they want you to use.

how to properly cite a website in an essay

And the rise of the smartphone means that we all literally have a world wide web of information at our fingertips, 24/7! This easy-to-access information is super useful for school and life. However, just as with traditional sources, any website you use while researching and writing must be properly referenced.

2 Recommendations from software providers

If citing the same source more than once, you can then use a shortened format for subsequent footnotes. The British Standards do not provide guidance on the correct way to cite online sources.

how to properly cite a website in an essay

Author surname, followed by initials OR name of organisation. Ensure you have allowed enough time in your assignment planning for the reading and the referencing.

Referencing a poem from a collection

Verse is treated in a similar way to other quotations however there are some differences. Later in the same essay, how to start with a quote in an essay Boland gives a number of examples of this process by which ‘woman’ has often been ‘simplified’ in Irish poetry.

how to properly cite a website in an essay

The table below gives an overview of the most important components of website citations, irrespective of the citation style chosen. The table also indicates which elements are mandatory for a full website and which are not, as well as including examples for each element. You will also find comments that explain the different components in more detail. Plagiarism is the act of using or copying someone else’s work and pretending that you thought of it or created it. In order to avoid suspicion of plagiarism it is important to make appropriate use of references. Please see our Referencing Software pages for details of referencing software options.

Have a language expert improve your writing

As a general rule you should not put your trust in any resource which does not give references. In your work, you need to explicitly indicate when you have used or referred to someone else’s idea or data etc. However, if you were to include the full reference of your evidence, it would disrupt the flow of your argument. Cite papers that describe software as a complement to, not a replacement for, citing the software itself. The fact that some software may consist of discrete well-defined components imposes additional requirements when describing software. As another example of problems with citations, the Phylogenomenclature (P-Genome) citation both has a link that is broken and omits the version number.

Use this format when you want to reference a poem from a collection by a single poet, or from an anthology of works by several poets. Roman numerals are used for the numbers of books of The Bible, Arabic numerals for chapters and verses, as in the examples. If you have accessed an eBook through a Library database such as Historical Texts, you should include the name of the database, the URL and date accessed. A dialog box will open allowing you to choose whether to include footnotes and endnotes. If you’re discussing a literary text throughout your essay, you don’t want to overwhelm your document with multiple footnotes for the same work.

IoP Journal Guidelines

You can also number the paragraphs and include the paragraph cited in round brackets, e.g. (para. 3 of 24). You will often need to refer to the same source several times throughout an essay, especially when analysing literary texts. To avoid repeating the same footnote multiple times, there are two options.

  1. If the play is anonymous , do not use ‘Anon.’ Instead start the reference with the title of the play.
  2. If there are no numbered sections, you can number the paragraphs and include the paragraph cited in round brackets at the end of your footnote, e.g. (para. 3 of 24).
  3. Start the footnote reference with the book title, followed by the editor.
  4. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator.
  5. If you have read a book on a personal device such as a Kindle, or accessed a commercial online textbook provider like Perlego, these often lack page numbers.
  6. You need to provide a referencewhether or notyou are using the exact words.

Choosing quotes beforehand means you’re more likely to let your quotes shape your writing as you try to link one quote to another. Trying to link unrelated ideas because they sound good in isolation won’t help you draw accurate conclusions, and could negatively impact your assessment. Using quotes properly will support your points and improve your assignments. Use quotes that back up your argument rather than quotes that ‘look good’ or sound impressive. Make sure you understand what a quote is saying in its context and explain its meaning in your work.

Referencing an eBook that’s part of an online collection

Usually only relevant for books, but for these you should include the publisher name and place of publication. You should write the surname first followed by any initials. If there are more than three authors then you can cite the first author and use the abbreviation ‘et al’, meaning ‘and all’. Your university may be able to bridge in essay example provide you with some specialist software (Endnote – ) or you can simply keep a list in a document or try Zotero () a free plugin for the Firefox browser. When citing an Instagram Post, please use the guidance below. When citing a photograph or image specifically, please see our citing an image from social media guidance.

  1. In your document, click where you want to insert the note reference mark.
  2. Students from the Department of International Politics should refer to the guidelines for the Harvard referencing system inWriting and Referencing in Interpol.
  3. The IEEE reference page consists of a list of references numbered in the order they were cited in the text.
  4. However, if the software has a URL then I’d recommend listing that URL, despite the MLA’s concerns, along with enough information for the reader to find the software via a search engine.
  5. If you have accessed an eBook through a Library database such as Historical Texts, you should include the name of the database, the URL and date accessed.

Below is an example of a summary of a quote by Angela Rayner which appeared in the following Guardian online news article written by Coughlan in 2017. The English department requires that you reference your essays in accordance with either the Chicago Manual of Style or the MLA Style guide. If you can’t identify an author, whether an individual or organisation, don’t use ‘Anon.’ Instead start the reference with the title of the web page. Note if you are discussing several poems by the same author from one collection, you may want to just cite the whole book in the bibliography. Long quotations are those over forty words or two lines of verse. These quotations should be separated from the rest of your text and should not be placed in quotation marks. Verse quotations should be separated from the rest of your essay text and should not be placed in quotation marks.


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